Monday, March 25, 2013

Support High Capacity Ban For the Sake of the Nation

An Observation on Politics and The High Capacity Ban

  Yep, it's taken me a while to get to this point, but for the sake of our nation, we MUST BAN HIGH CAPACITY photocopier and computer printer cartridges! 
    Think of how these high capacity cartridges are misused by the politicians & bureaucrats in Washington DC as well as on the state and local level.  They print out reams of laws & regulations that are destroying our American dream of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".   These high capacity cartridges are used to create congressional bills that are not even read by the lawmakers voting to make those bills "the law of the land".  Yes, I know that the final versions of the congressional laws and bureaucratic regulations are sent off to commercial printers for production to be distributed to the cowering masses of citizen-slaves who must obey the political elite masters.  But if even ONE law or ONE regulation can be prevented from being shot at the American population, isn't it worth the cost and frustration of having to replace our own printer cartridges after SEVEN sheets of paper?  If we can prevent political elites like Senator Feinstein from getting their freedom destroying anti-American agendas codified, isn't it worth the personal inconvenience? 
    Obviously the dream of limiting all laws and regulations to being ONLY ONE page in length, single spaced, front and back, with NO options for amendments being added is a "fool's dream".  I know it will never happen because of the elite's control of the political system.  And I know we will never force the elites to have to hand write out their proposals the way our founding fathers had to when the Constitution was being written.
    BUT we MUST start somewhere!!!  IF we can slow the political hacks down in spewing out their power grabs . . . IF we can hinder them from compounding their money grabs of our income, isn't it worth it?  IF we force them have to choose between 'do I want to work harder to generate laws and regulations' (which they exempt themselves from having to obey) and 'going out to relax, golf and party like I am entitled to do', it may give us citizen-slaves a better chance at being let alone.
    This cartridge limitation will never come from the political elites themselves.  We cannot depend on the political hacks to limit their power or their income from their pandering lobbyist network.  We MUST RISE UP to save our children and grandchildren from the devastation that is being caused today by these high capacity cartridges!  We MUST join together to force printer cartridges manufacturers to make this vital change at the production level!
    America, will you rise up . . . or will you give up . . . and remain the citizen-slaves you have been drugged into being by the political elites?!? 
    Now, you will have to excuse me because Don Quixote just called, and I have to go see how I can help him out on his quest.

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